Land development planning specialists with rural heritage, urban sophistication, and small-town appeal!
A Comprehensive Plan
A Comprehensive Plan is a vision for the future of your community, and aids in the appropriate and responsible allocation of financial and human resources. Comprehensive planning brings people together to talk about what responsible growth looks and feels like, ensuring that your community receives exactly what they need.
Is your comprehensive plan up to date? WI Statue 66.1004 states communities with land use controls must do a comprehensive plan update every ten (10) years. If your update is approaching, or if your community is overdue for revised comprehensive planning, our community planning professionals can help.
Ordinance and Code
Update Development
Drafting and adopting the right ordinances to implement into your community’s comprehensive plan is vital to achieving consistency in your community planning efforts and optimizing land use in your area!
In addition to the land development ordinances normally associated with comprehensive planning, Martenson & Eisele also helps with special need ordinances. Ordinances based on need could include:
Subdivision Ordinances
Manufactured Homes
Tiny Homes
Exotic Pets
Driveway Access
Backyard chickens
Farmland Presentation Plans and Zoning Ordinances
Wisconsin’s Working Lands Initiative promotes Wisconsin’s growing agricultural landowners for farmland preservation tax credits. Trust our planning staff in developing a farmland preservation plan that will help grow your counties agricultural base and achieve State Certification.
Should your town or county need assistance with developing a farmland preservation zoning ordinances that will meet State certification, contact our experienced planners. We understand agriculture.
Plan Commission Assistance and Zoning Administration
Small communities find it cost efficient to contract for assistance with reviewing requests for zoning changes, land divisions, comprehensive plan amendments, official mapping and other land use and code compliance controls. Martenson & Eisele can offer unbiased reviews and recommendations for your community planning efforts. Our qualified professionals can serve as your community’s Zoning Administrator.
Park Trails And Open Space Planning and Design
Now more than ever, municipalities are facing tightening budgets and funding shortages. However, grants can transform public works projects into a financial reality. With our comprehensive grant writing services, we will research funding sources and work with your community with the application and administration of grants and loans.
Grant Writing
and Administration
Now more than ever, municipalities are facing tightening budgets and funding shortages. However, grants can transform public works projects into a financial reality. With our comprehensive grant writing services, we will research funding sources and work with your community with the application and administration of grants and loans.
Geographic Information Systems Mapping
GIS mapping is an essential service for maximizing the efficacy of private development and public works projects. With GIS mapping, firefighters can see the exact location of each structure, residential or commercial, in their fire district, which is critical in reducing the response time to a fire or emergency call. School districts can graphically see where their students live in the school district, making bus routing more accurate, dependable, and efficient.
School District Enrollment
and Growth Studies
To meet their budgetary challenges, school districts need to understand enrollment changes and their impact on school facilities and staffing. Martenson & Eisele can work with school enrollment data and project future attendance. Use our boundary survey services to determine school district and attendance boundaries for each school to balance school capacities, save busing costs, and enhance the education experience.